Oxygen College Privacy Policy

Oxygen College recognises the importance of safeguarding personal information and is committed to meeting its legal and ethical obligations regarding the collection, storage, and disclosure of such information. This policy aims to outline the principles and procedures governing the handling of personal information to ensure compliance with relevant privacy legislation and maintain the trust and confidence of students, staff, clients, and external organisations.

Oxygen College’s access to and use of the Document Verification Service (DVS) is subject to these Document Verification Service Business User Terms and Conditions of Use (these Conditions).


This policy applies to all aspects of Oxygen College’s operations involving the collection, storage, use, and disclosure of personal information relating to its student population, staff, clients, and interactions with external organisations. It encompasses all electronic and hard copy formats of personal information collected during the course of business activities.

  1. Collection of Personal Information
    1. Oxygen College will collect personal information from students, potential students, and other clients in a fair and lawful manner, ensuring compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2001.
    2. Personal information will be collected only by fair and lawful means necessary for the functions of Oxygen College, including communication, administration, and record-keeping purposes.
    3. The types of personal information collected may include, but are not limited to, names, contact details, date of birth, gender, educational history, and health information where necessary for duty of care purposes.
    4. The type of personal identification numbers collected may include, Medicare, USI’s, tax file numbers, passport, birth certificate, driver’s license and CHESSN’s.
    5. Sensitive information will only be collected with the individual’s consent, unless required by law.

    Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

    1. Personal information collected by Oxygen College will be used solely for providing information about study opportunities, efficient administration, maintaining accurate student and client records and. applying for Government subsidies or loan schemes on behalf of the student.
    2. Oxygen College may disclose personal information to designated authorities, such as Australian Apprenticeship Centres (AACs) and the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), as required by law or with the individual’s consent.
    3. Disclosure of personal information will only occur under circumstances outlined in this policy to ensure privacy and confidentiality are maintained.
    4. Personal information will not be disclosed to third parties for marketing purposes without the individual’s consent.
    5. In case of emergencies, personal information may be disclosed to appropriate health services, authorities, or family members.

    Use or Disclosure of Any Australian Government Related Identifier

    1. Oxygen College will not use or disclose an Australian Government Related Identifier of an individual unless:
    2. The use or disclosure of the identifier is reasonably necessary for you to verify the identity of the individual for the purposes of your activities or functions; or
    3. The use or disclosure of the identifier is reasonably necessary for you to fulfill your obligations to an Agency or an Australian State or Territory Authority; or
    4. The use or disclosure of the identifier is required or authorized by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order.


    1. Oxygen College will ensure that all Personnel are aware of and comply with all provisions of these Conditions that are relevant to their role, function and duties.
    2. Oxygen College will ensure that the use of the DVS does not (and does not attempt to) modify, interrupt, adversely affect or misuse the DVS or DVS functionality in any way or interfere with or disrupt use of the DVS by any other person.
    3. Oxygen College will ensure that access to and use of the DVS (which includes submission of Information Match Requests) and your access to and use of Information Match Data complies with all laws, regulatory requirements, and complies with all codes of conduct to which you ascribe.
    4. Oxygen College will promptly provide the DVS Manager with any information the DVS Manager requests in respect to your access to or use of the DVS, including any routine reports and certifications.
    5. Oxygen College will strictly comply with all requirements, instructions and guidance the DVS Manager advises in respect to access to and use of the DVS and Information Match Data and any other related matter.
    6. Oxygen College’s use of the DVS must at all times comply with all applicable laws, without limitation including all relevant Privacy Laws. Unless authorized in writing by the DVS Manager, Oxygen College will not use or disclose any personal information obtained using the DVS for any purpose other than your access and use of the DVS.
    7. Except as may be specifically authorized by the DVS Manager in writing, Oxygen College must:
      1. Only access and use the DVS and DVS Data in Australia and / or New Zealand; not allow any person other than your authorized Personnel to access or use Information Match Data or your DVS Business User ID;
      2. Only access and use the DVS and Information Match Data exclusively for your own internal purposes;
      3. Not use the DVS or collect, store or use Information Match Data for any purpose associated with the provision, or potential provision of, an information service to any person;
      4. Not use or disclose any personal information (as defined in relevant Privacy Laws), if any, contained in any Information Match Result or otherwise provided by the DVS Manager for any purpose other than your access and use of the DVS; and
      5. Not make any public statement concerning the DVS or your access to or use of it.
      6. For any organization outside Australia or New Zealand seeking to connect to the DVS, permission for access and use of the DVS must be sought in writing from the DVS Manager, as per clause 15. When seeking this permission, such organizations must specify the processes and procedures that they have in place to mitigate any risks, in terms of the handing of any personal information accessed on the DVS.
    8. Oxygen College must not, by act or omission, directly or indirectly, mislead any person in relation to the DVS, your access to or use of the DVS or any related matter.
    9. Oxygen College and our Approved Gateway Service Provider must fully cooperate with and support any audit or verification process the DVS Manager (or our agents) wishes to conduct to verify your compliance with these Conditions, without limitation including providing the DVS Manager (or our agents) with prompt access to relevant records, systems, premises and facilities. You authorize the DVS Manager (or our agents) access to any records or information held by any Approved Gateway Service Provider relevant to your access to or use of the DVS.
  2. Security of Personal Information
    1. Oxygen College will ensure that all personal information collected is relevant, up-to-date, complete, and accurately recorded.
    2. All records containing personal information will be securely stored, and reasonable security measures will be implemented to protect against unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure.
    3. Electronic records will be protected by appropriate cybersecurity measures, including encryption, firewalls, and secure access controls.
    4. Physical records will be stored in secure areas with restricted access.
  3. Rights to Access and Amend Records
    1. Individuals have the right to access or obtain a copy of the personal information held by Oxygen College about them.
    2. Requests for access or amendment of personal information must be made in writing to the specified address.
    3. Oxygen College will promptly amend inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated personal information upon request by the individual.
    4. In certain circumstances, access to personal information may be denied, such as where it would breach another individual’s privacy or where it is subject to legal confidentiality.
  4. Publication and Informed Consent
    1. The course curriculum, schedule, and outcomes may be published for promotional purposes. Where this includes the publication of personal achievements or photographs, informed consent will be obtained from the individual concerned.
    2. Informed consent will be obtained from individuals before using their personal information for purposes other than those for which it was initially collected.
  5. Complaints and Enquiries
    1. If an individual believes that their personal information has been mishandled or there has been a breach of this policy, they may lodge a complaint with the General Manager of Oxygen College at luke@oxygencollege.com.au
    2. Complaints will be addressed promptly and in accordance with the college’s complaints and grievances policy.
    3. If Oxygen College does not respond to an individual’s complaint within 30 days, or they are not happy with Oxygen College’s response, the individual can lodge a complaint with The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). See the Lodge a privacy complaint with us page for more information on lodging a complaint with OAIC. OAIC’s contact details are as follows:
      • Phone Enquiries: 1300 363 992
      • Post: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001
      • Fax: +61 2 9284 9666

Privacy, Consent and Information Use

  1. Oxygen College will ensure that the use of the DVS and Information Match Data complies with all relevant Privacy Laws.
  2. Oxygen college must ensure that each individual providing details in a Supported Document to you:
    1. Confirms they are authorized to provide those details to you;
    2. Is informed of the purpose for which that information is sought and will be used by you including that:
      1. The information will be subject to an Information Match Request in relation to relevant Official Record Holder information.
      2. That the Information Match Request, the Information Match Result and other Information Match Data and your access to and use of the DVS, may involve use of third-party systems and services; and
      3. As relevant, that information provided to or by you in or from Australia will be transmitted to New Zealand or vice versa
    3. Students must provide consent for accessing such information, and as relevant, such transmission, prior to any such use or access or transmission being initiated or made by you and that you keep full and proper records of all such disclosures, confirmations and consents.